UGA enhances residential belonging initiatives
Residential Belonging Assistants to continue the legacy of C.L.A.S.S. Advocates program
Residential Belonging Assistants to continue the legacy of C.L.A.S.S. Advocates program
Even though UGA has many well-being programs, Stinson, a fourth-year majoring in social work from Ellenwood, Georgia, and president of Black Male Leadership Society (BMLS) saw an opportunity for a student-driven avenue to connect black male students with well-being and belonging resources on campus.
Student Affairs and Office of Instruction this past December cohosted an afternoon training on Belonging. Together over 30 staff and faculty engaged in open dialogue on what belonging means to UGA students through a series of interactive activities.
Dalma Arteaga Rosales is a third-year triple major (Supply Chain & Operations Management (Terry); International Affairs (SPIA); Portuguese (Franklin)). She is passionate about building community on campus– specifically with those who are globally minded.
February 1 marks the beginning of Black History Month, a national observance when Americans recognize and reflect on the contributions and resilience of African Americans throughout U.S. history to today. The University of Georgia marks the month with celebrations of those, specifically current and former students, for their brilliance, perseverance, and strength.
Welcome UGA continues its campus-wide celebration into the new year for incoming and returning students. Various departments and organizations hosted not just events, but opportunities to connect with students as they begin a new semester – fostering a sense of belonging for them on campus.
University Housing is proud to announce a new partnership between the department and UGA’s Intensive English Program (IEP). Together, they have launched a six-month long “ESL for Professional Staff Development” course designed to support Spanish-language speakers among staff.